Hello everyone! Director and Writer on the Pilot here! : )
Just wanna say thank you so much for the support on our Pilot! We all worked really hard on it over the last 6 months and it was awesome to see so many of you guys resonating with the premise. Alot of you guys are excited to see more, and we're looking into as many ways as possible to keep the series going.
We already have a full season mapped out with every episode wrote, we just need the budget and space to do so..
Right now we are currently screening and sharing the Pilot in as many places as possible to try and get the series picked up. We have a full Pitch Bible, Portfolio and website. Aswell as high hopes for the future
If that doesn't fall through we've also set up a KICKSTARTER. Even if we can't get funding this way, any donation helps prove intrest in the show and raise the odds of us getting to make more.
Any support there is appreciated, but not mandatory - we're just glad to see the show connecting you guys!
That's all I wanted to say, if you wanna talk to us we've opended a public DISCORD if you wanna talk with any of us about the show / pilot.
Thank you everyone!